ConNEXTions Leadership Program

NECPTA is seeking leaders to join us this Fall for a semester leadership course. Our goal is for local PTA leaders to attend all four sessions to gain a comprehensive toolbox of skills to grow and retain a local PTA. 

ConNEXTions Leadership Academy 2024 Scope and Sequence is: 

August 29

September 26

October 17

November 14

Each session is held from 10 am to noon. 

Program Participation Requirements: 


Each participant will be expected to attend all four sessions.


Each participant will be expected to participate in all pre-work and session activities

Please RSVP by Monday, August 26, 2024

If you have any questions, please contact Leigh Henry at We look forward to learning and growing with you



Monica Sparks - Windcrest PTA

Janice Dove - Ridgeview PTA

Lisa Mazure - Bush PTA

Paz Sophia Lopez - Jackson-Keller PTA

Kerry Jonietz - Encino Park PTA, Tejeda PTA & Johnson PTSA

Gwen Wilson - Roosevelt PTSA

Traci Sobhani - Steubing Ranch PTA


Erin Highley - Bradley PTA

Sandra Llanas - Bradley PTA

Mary Ramos - Ed White PTA

Jasmine Gonzales - Ed White PTA

Jill Reed - Hidden Forest PTA

Kate Patterson - Las Lomas PTA

Robin Schoenfeld - Northwood PTA

Vanessa Woodworth - Northwood PTA

Rachel Brodine - Roosevelt PTSA

Amanda Brier - Wetmore PTA

Caprice Garcia - Madison PTSA


Lucy Reyna - Castle Hills PTA

Kristi Gilbert - Encino Park PTA

Connie Carrington - Lopez PTA

Sarah Warren - Harris PTA and Madison PTSA

Tamara Verschoyle - Roosevelt PTSA


Kristi Gilbert - Encino Park PTA

Emily Urban - Hidden Forest PTA

Judy Wheeler - Hidden Forest PTA

Cristy Burguete - Oak Meadow PTA

Genevieve Sugalski - Oak Meadow PTA

Sarah Garza - Roan Forest PTA

Katherine Thompson - Vineyard Ranch PTA

Christina Garcia - Roosevelt HS PTSA