2024-25 Arts in Education Chair: Monica Sparks
The arts are a vital element of a complete and competitive education. Reflections is a National PTA art recognition program that encourages students of all ages and abilities to experience the benefits of creative expression to tell their unique story. It is one of the oldest and largest nationwide programs of its kind, with more than 200,000 students participating annually.
The Reflections Theme for 2024-2025 is "Accepting Imprefections."
For entry forms and rules in English or Spanish, visit Each entry must be the original work of one student and created based on this year’s theme, Show Your Voice. Students can participate in any of or all the following:
Arts Categories:
Visual Arts (2D only)
Music Composition
Dance Choreography
Film Production
Grade Divisions:
Primary: Preschool – Grade 2
Intermediate: Grades 3-5
Middle School: Grades 6-8
High School: Grades 9-12
Special Artist: please refer to the Special Artist rules
Arts in Education Chair Checklist:
As Soon As Possible: Promote the theme – Distribute a 2 sided introductory letter and rules in your welcome packets. Distribute entry forms to participating teachers and students – –
Attend Council Reflections Workshops August 21, 2024 at 11 AM and September 19, 2024 at 11 AM. See the August presentation here if you missed it.
November 2, 2024: Suggested Local PTA Due Date for Entries
Late October/Early November: Host your local judging and advance the top 20% of each arts category for each grade division to the next level of judging. Judging guidelines and other resources: Reflections Judging Guidelines
November 14, 2024 - 10 am to Noon: Reflections Drop Off of Visual Arts and Photography (other categories will be submitted via Google Form) at Piper Bass Memorial Student Center (at Blossom Athletic Center, 12002 Jones Maltsberger Road). You can find additional guidance on advancing your entries to the council here.
November 15, 2024 - 1pm -2 pm: Reflections Pick Up (only Visual Art and Photography not advancing to TX PTA) at Piper Bass Memorial Student Center
December – February: Recognize the students who participated at your campus and introduce the next theme.
January: Council results released. Inform the board, including the principal, of how students did. Share the date of Council Awards with your principal and only those students who earned a Council award (not including Participation Award).
February: Invitations to Council Reflections Award Ceremony ponied to PTA presidents
February 25, 2025 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM: Council Reflections Award Ceremony.
May: Continue to promote the theme for next year. It can be a summer project!
Sample Plans of Work for Arts in Education Chairs
Here is a sample Plan of Work for a PTA with a small Arts in Ed. budget of $150. This is fine for a fewer number of kids but may need to be supplemented with donations if you have more kids involved. Note the Arts in Ed. action step outside of the Reflections program is listed - promoting a free art engagement activity.
Here is a sample Arts in Ed. Plan of Work for a larger budget of $305. This is what you might expect to spend with about 100 or so students participating and few donations. More students, better awards, or more arts activities, like an art night, should increase your Art in Ed. budget.
Links and Forms
TX PTA Arts in Education training can be found here.
The Reflections theme for the 2022-2023 was Show Your Voice.
The Reflections theme for the 2021-2022 was I Will Change the World By...
The Reflections theme for the 2020-2021 was I Matter Because...
Click here for the 2020-2021 NE Council Reflection Awards spreadsheet