Council Delegate

Each Delegate has the following responsibilities:

Council responsibilities:

  • Attend all Council PTA meetings (or see that an alternate attends instead).

  • Represent the Local PTA as a voting member of the Council PTA body.

  • Participate in all Council PTA discussions and deliberations. Each delegate (or alternate, if the delegate is not in attendance) is entitled to make motions, debate, and vote at each Council PTA meeting.

  • Take careful notes of announcements and the program at the Council PTA meeting. Use the Council pre-filled meeting notes summary as a start.

  • Seek information or ask approval from Local PTA members on matters affecting your school. Report and/or vote accordingly at the Council PTA meeting.

Local Unit responsibilities:

  • Attend all meetings of the Local PTA.

  • Maintain a procedure book.

  • Using a Council PTA Delegate Report Form, report on the Council PTA meeting to your Local PTA members and/or its executive board. A meeting specific form should also be in your folder from the Courtesy Secretary at the delegate meeting.

  • A copy of this form should be filed with your PTA Secretary.

  • Post announcements of Council PTA activities in the Local PTA’s newsletter and/or social media.

NOTE: A Local PTA must have sent membership dues to Texas PTA and have paid the dues to the Council PTA in order to have delegate representation and to be able to participate in the business of the Council PTA.