
2024-25 Chair: Lora Fryman

Lunchroom Chairmen will participate in the evaluation of school lunches and provide Nutrition Services valuable feedback. Lunchroom identification cards, address cards for meeting reminders and meal evaluation forms will be distributed at the October meeting. Please return evaluation forms to North East School Nutrition Services at least one week prior to the November, January and March meetings so School Nutrition Services will have time to evaluate your input.

Each PTA will be responsible for the payment of meals. Payment for meals is to be made at the school campus cafeteria. It is suggested a minimum of 4 lunches and 2 breakfasts be evaluated, for a total of approximately $24.50 per participant. The cost of a guest lunch is $4.75 and breakfast is $2.75. PTA volunteers may choose to evaluate more meals either at their own expense or funded by PTA.

This committee is an important cooperative effort of PTA and NEISD and we encourage each PTA unit to participate in this worthwhile committee effort. 

2024-25 Meeting Dates/Times: 

September 19

November 14 

January 16

April 10

Time for all meetings - 9:30 -10:30 am  

Meeting Location:

School Nutrition Services

3623 Highpoint St.

San Antonio, TX 78217